Our Services

We Offer a Wide Range Of Services
  • Karate Jujitsu

    The foundation of the Karate Jitsu system emphasizes the Okinawan Kenpo and Ju Jitsu styles, incorporating traditional kata to enhance focus and balance. Techniques are derived from reality-based situations, making it a very practical defense system that is easy to learn and apply.

  • Shindo Jitsu

    This is a solid Martial Arts Curriculum utilizing the arts of Kenpo, Ju Jitsu and Western Boxing. It is more of an offensive system incorporating sparring, fighting drills, boxing and kicking combinations. Kata is utilized to teach balance and movement.


The Kenpo part tends to be "technique" based...rather than "kata" based like Japanese Karate. It has kata but is not emphasized as much. Kenpo is generally a hand technique system with few kicks, and when they do kick, it’s usually below the belt…70% hands 30% feet.

It’s quick... efficient and to the point.

Ju Jitsu

The Ju Jitsu system adds defensive techniques, which use an attacker's momentum against them utilizing locks, strikes and throws adapted for modern day contexts. Ju Jitsu works on the principle of redirecting an attacker's force and momentum against them, using the minimum necessary effort to produce the maximum effect.

This means you don't have to be particularly big or strong to do well.


The Japanese word “kata” means formal exercise and is performed in Japan outside of martial arts. Through kata we learn proper stance, focus, and transition between techniques.

Training Kata teaches us to strive for excellence, something that we can apply in almost every aspect of life.

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